For students, parents, and educators
Hire a private teacher to help you learn! Choose a subject that you would like to know. A private teacher can help you with a study plan. We can customize curriculum that works for your interests and keeps you motivated to learn! We can also help connect you to real world learning opportunities.
Learn more about hiring a private teacher.
For teachers, businesses, or parents who would like a professional to compose or provide instruction. We work with fellow educators to fine tune lessons for their own classes and parents seeking advice on working with their students or would like to learn the curriculum on their own.
We also have a gaming consultant who designs educational games based on curriculum themes and objectives.
A certified teacher can help write home school curriculum and customize instruction to meet the student's interests and learning style.
In addition to helping write curriculum, we can help parents learn how to teach to their children. We can share teaching methods and resources to help you be learn how to target instruction and be successful!
Check out our home school page to learn more.